Monday, April 20, 2009

This is how my heart breaks...

Right .. So .. uhhhh ..
i thought when feeling completely miserable, down to the last ion in my stick figured body..
what better way to get the weight of the world off my back by blogging ..

Today .. my heart is broken into three hundred gazillion pieces .. at the loss of a long time ,near to my heart, friend's brother .. Ive known Big P for ohhh 17 years and I have always loved this man .. I love him .. so when the news had gotten to me about his little brother, my chest has been tight since the call and not gone away and i wanted to cry SO so badly .. but what the fock do I do instead ?? my eyes just gloss over , no tears .. I haven't cried in so freakin long that even now when I want to I can not .. I would like to give that award to my mother .. thats a story in itself which i have no intention of telling at present ..

flip me a mile up the river .. i thought blogging would help .. but i still feel numb and overcome with sadness


Unknown said...

sorry you are feeling sad, cry it out it what you have to do.

PorkStar said...

I'm sorry to hear about that and today's service arrangements. However, you still managed to give me a good laugh last night with the whole thing about JB and the teaser and your supposedly marriage and whatnot...



headbitingprincess said...

LMAO .. thank you guys I appreciate it ... I still cant focus - who knew that a broken heart had so much monopoly on ones life ..